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Bridge (The card game) : Posthotel Usseln - Ihr Urlaubs- und Tagungshotel

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Bridge - the card game - has a 30 years tradition at the Posthotel

Bridge has an over 30 years tradition at the Posthotel
We offer you professional, Dutch Bridge manager, smoking free playing room, three times a week a guided hiking tour. Every night a competition with computer results. Final evening* with a fantastic menu as well as prizes for all participants. Single players are welcome. In addition to the half board you receive coffee or tea along the bridge time. 

* These services are all inclusive in our 7 days’ package.

Bridge dates 2023
Bridge manager Mrs. Sieders
06.08. - 13.08.2023
24.09. - 01.10.2023

7 Tage Sunday - Sunday;    € 679,-
4 Tage Sunday - Thursday; € 388,-
3 Tage Thursday - Sunday; € 291,-

Additional charge apartment used as single room per day € 25,00
Additional charge double room used as a single room € 15,00
No additional charge for a single room!

Benefit from all services of the MeineCard plus.

Bridge special offer, get one day for free

Bridge special offer pay 6 days, get one day free, at total of 7 days

05.03. - 12.03.2023
19.11. - 26.11.2023

Sunday - Sunday (7 days); € 582,-

apartment used as single room +25,- € / day
double room used as a single room +15,- €/ day
No extra charge for single rooms.


Korbacher Str. 14, 34508 Willingen

Telefon: +49 (0) 5632 94 95 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 5632 94 95 96

Our gift voucher shop